Darkness can only last so long … Daybreak is coming!
I adore this cover – the colors, the fox, all of it. The fox is the perfect clever, elusive critter to team up with Wes, and a good representation of the challenges Cara faces in this book. Everyone has their secrets, but some are more dangerous than others.

If you’ve been waiting for a little more romance in the series … This. Is. The. Book. There are relationship challenges of all kinds, not to mention a nefarious Pyx plotting in the shadows.
You can preorder Daybreak now at the special reduced price, and the book will be out December 26th, 2020.
Catch up on the whole series before then! If you’re ready, scroll down for a preview …
SPOILER WARNING: This preview contains spoilers for the rest of the series, particularly Darkness, book 3.
Death was almost pleasant. The endless white. The soft currents. Not a single worry or care. An occasional distant voice or metallic clink was all that interrupted the perfect stillness. By the time it occurred to Cara to wonder how long she’d been drifting there, she had no idea. Seconds? Centuries? It didn’t matter. Not when bright light and floating on clouds was exactly what heaven was supposed to be.
If she’d been able to, she might have laughed at the cliché she’d conjured. Instead, her next thought was of her dad. Growing up, when she’d considered the idea of heaven, or some sort of afterlife, it had been to imagine him watching over her. Would she see him again now? Would he be proud of her sacrifice? Would he think it had been worth it, dying to save her friends?
If leading the controlled people away from the school had saved anyone else, it was worth it. It had to be. She couldn’t bring herself to regret it, even if she did regret the look of betrayal on Wes’s face when she’d agreed to follow the outlaw Pyx into the forest, and the desperation shining in Rhys’s eyes as he’d watched her leave. It hurt to know she’d never tell him how she felt, and never apologize to Wes for breaking her promise. Worse was leaving her mom and uncle the same way her dad had done.
As if sensing her mounting despair, the light squeezed her hand. The pressure brought an awareness of her body again. At the same moment, she realized she wasn’t alone.
A faint glow held her afloat, its golden warmth supporting her as she drifted. Two bright gold spheres danced in front of her and she floated toward them—two gold orbs for the gold of her two eyes, filling her heart and her soul in turn. They called to her, whispering her name in voices she knew. When the desire to connect with them grew to a deep longing, she reached out with open hands. The dazzling white began to fade.
Sweet air full of the scent of oranges caressed her face, reminding her of the boy whose kiss still lingered on her lips as if it had just happened. Heat radiated from her hand, anchoring her body and spreading warmth through that arm, as if it rested near a flame.
The gold lights slipped away. As the world solidified, a harsh glare pierced beneath her eyelids and feeling crept into her limbs. Pain followed close behind. A deep ache built in her right shoulder, lighting a far more destructive fire. Her arm twitched and a pitiful moan sounded from somewhere altogether too close. The soothing warmth at her left side abandoned her, leaving only pain and distant voices she couldn’t make out. Should heaven hurt like this? The world began to tremble, rattling her bones. No sooner had she realized she was shivering than a soft weight draped across her and settled the shaking. There was no fighting its comfort, and she fled back to the numb light, grateful for the relief.
One inch to the left or to the right and she was as good as dead. Again. …
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